The bank launched a sale of 50.4 million Goodman shares for China Investment Corp. on Tuesday evening, underwritten at a floor price of AU$37.55. That’s a discount of 1.5% to the stock’s previous close of AU$38.12, terms of the deal showed.
When investors balked at the price range,
That still wasn’t sufficient for buyers, and the Wall Street bank ended up selling just 23.4 million shares at AU$36.40, a 4.5% discount to the previous close, the people said. A cross on the exchange matched that. Given
The bank was then left with 27 million shares in Goodman it had bought from CIC, which at Wednesday’s close of AU$37.02 are worth just under AU$1 billion, meaning it is sitting on a further paper loss of about AU$14.3 million. The bank could recoup some of that if the stock price recovers, or if it had hedges.
A representative for
CIC won’t incur losses because the block deal was fully underwritten. A unit of the sovereign wealth fund has been a shareholder in Goodman, which owns and develops warehouses, data centers and other commercial real estate, for more than a decade. The 50.4 million shares represented roughly a third of CIC’s ownership in the Sydney-based group as of July.